Online investing in high-quality real estate

Crowdrealestate makes it possible

Crowd Real Estate B.V. is licensed as a crowdfunding service provider and is registered as such in the public registers of the AFM and ESMA.

The projects

A selection of our projects, carefully selected for you.

Welcome to Crowdrealestate

Discover Crowdrealestate, the digital platform that makes real estate investing accessible and transparent to the public. Our carefully selected real estate projects offer you the chance to invest safely and easily. Start investing today and build your personal real estate portfolio with confidence.

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    Choose project

    Various real estate projects, carefully selected for you.

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    Easily invest online in a project of your choice.

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    Accurately compile your own property portfolio and track developments.

Active investors
Total market value
Average (net) return

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Crowdrealestate

Crowdrealestate is an online investment and financing platform for real estate projects in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The platform has been securely connecting project owners with investors for years, for alternative financing. This through crowdfunding, private placements or 1-to-1 financing.

How can I invest through Crowdrealestate?

Through Crowdrealestate, you can easily invest online in a real estate project of your choice. Registering is completely free and within minutes you can already start building your own real estate portfolio. Online (or offline) you can complete the payment and investment.

Is Crowdrealestate licensed?

Crowdrealestate is licensed as a crowdfunding service provider as referred to in Article 12(1) of the European Regulation (ECSPR) and is registered as such in the public registers of the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).

What kind of return will I get as an investor?

As an investor, you will be paid a fixed interest rate during the term of the propositions. The interest rate depends on various factors, such as mortgage rate, loan-to-value and occupancy rate of the underlying asset. Your investment bears interest immediately from deposit.

What securities do I get as an investor?

At Crowdrealestate, you as an investor will always get a first or a second right of mortgage. The mortgage right is the most important security right you can have as an investor. Additional securities may also apply, such as a pledge of rental income or joint and several liability. You will find these on the project pages.