Crowdrealestate policy

Complaint procedure

Crowdrealestate strives to serve its client groups in the best way possible. Nevertheless, it may happen that a project owner or investor is not fully satisfied. For such cases, Crowdrealestate has provided a complaint form.

Download the complaint form and send it to We will take your complaint without obligation and we will strive to provide you with a solution as soon as possible and keep you informed of progress. We thank you for your feedback and together we will work to improve our services.

Conflict of interest

Crowdrealestate attaches great importance to ensuring the integrity and control of its business operations. An important condition for ensuring this objective is that the company is at all times committed to preventing in advance or immediately eliminating any potential conflict of private interests should this nevertheless occur unexpectedly.

Crowdrealestate has drafted a conflict of interest policy document that complies with applicable laws and regulations for preventing and handling conflicts of interest and private transactions. This policy contains standards and rules for preventing conflicts of interest and private transactions and, when they cannot be avoided, for managing them.

Annually, the board reviews the policy. If necessary, changes in policies and procedures are made to better serve clients' interests.

Financial Markets Authority

Crowdfunding service providers have been subject to licensing since Nov. 10, 2023, and must have an ECSPR license. ECSPR stands for European Crowdfunding Service Providers Regulation. This European regulation is part of the European Capital Market Union. This seeks to harmonize EU capital markets by promoting cross-border activities and investor protection.

Crowdrealestate is licensed as a crowdfunding service provider as referred to in Article 12(1) of the European Regulation (ECSPR) and is registered as such in the public registers of the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). The license number is 32000052.

Terms and Conditions

The following are current and previous terms and conditions of Crowdrealestate:

Terms and conditions (27-04-2024)

Terms and conditions (under old authorization)