Crowdrealestate valuation

Each real estate project is assigned a risk rating by Crowdrealestate. This makes it easy for investors to compare different investments. A project's fixed interest rate is linked to the assigned risk rating. For example, a project with a risk rating of A gets a lower fixed interest rate than a project with a risk rating of D. This is because the risks at A are lower than at D.


21 - 23


4% - 6%


18 - 20


6% - 7%


15 - 17

Moderate offensive

7% - 8%


12 - 14


8% - 9%


7 - 11

Highly speculative

9% - 11%

The Crowdrealestate rating is made up of 7 risk categories. Each category allows a project to score a certain number of points, which are shown in the overview below. Based on the total number of points, the project's risk rating is determined. For example, a project with a point total of 15 is assigned the risk classification C. The structure of this classification is clearly shown for each project.

Mortgage right


1st As an investor, you get the first right of mortgage. 5
2nd As an investor, you get the second right of mortgage. 4
3rd As an investor, you get the third right of mortgage. 2
4th As an investor, you get the fourth right of mortgage. 1

Loan to value


‹ 25% Total financing is a small fraction of the market value. 3
25% - 75% Total financing is a significant proportion of the market value. 2
75% › Total financing is an oversized portion of the market value. 1

Match location with sector


Excellent The location fits the end-user perfectly. 3
Good The location connects well with the end user. 2
Not good The location does not connect well with the end user. 1



Occupied More than 90% of the project has already been let/sold. 3
Partially Less than 90% of the project has already been let or sold. 2
Empty The project has not yet been let or sold. 1

Project phase


Existing Re-exploit existing property. 3
Redevelopment Redevelopment property (major conversion). 2
From the ground Completely new development. 1

Track record


15+ Million euros Highly experienced. 3
2.5 - 15 million euros Experienced. 2
0 - 2.5 million euros Less experienced. 1



0 - 5 years Short period. 3
5 - 10 years Average period. 2
› 10 years Long period. 1

Please note that the Crowdrealestate rating is used to give you as an investor insight into the key features of a project and does not count as Crowdrealestate's internal screening model. Each project has been extensively screened by Crowdrealestate prior to placement.